What We Do

Technology Development & Implementation

The NTCOE invites partnership across membership domains to have joint technology...

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Sponsored Projects

These involve turn-key projects, where NTCOE Team would take up wastewater...

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Consultancy Services

NTCOE provides consultancy services in the areas of technology assessment...

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Testing Services

The NTCOE invites partnership to establish a NABL accredited laboratory for water...

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Advanced research leading to Policy & Advocacy

NTCOE aims for R&D based Policy intervention in the areas of emerging concern...

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Training & Capacity Building

NTCOE aims for an extensive training & capacity building certificate programs...

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Knowledge Creation

This is the vital component of NTCOE, which aims at creating a data base of National...

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Events & Outreach

Various events are planned, which includes, residential training & capacity building...

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